Maritime Transportation
About the client
Ardmore Shipping Corporation is engaged in the ownership and operation of product and chemical tankers in worldwide trade.
August 27, 2024

Ardmore cut through email noise and saved charterers 2 hours a day

The Challenge: Unmanageable email slowing down collaboration and action

Ardmore Shipping was facing a common problem in Maritime: too many emails.

Managing thousands of emails every day made it difficult for chartering teams to get actual work done across the business. Important information was often lost in the noise, making it harder to analyse and act quickly.

To get ahead of the volume, charterers would start work up to 3 hours early to free up space in the inbox for new emails. High volume combined with limited storage space and slow search made their work less efficient.

Rather than living with the struggles of traditional email, Ardmore looked for a solution - and found Stream by Sedna.

"We were spending an hour, up to three hours a day, every morning when you log in, to delete the emails first, just so that you can download the next set of emails to work for the day."

Ha Eun Ruppelt, Commercial Project Manager, Chartering

The Solution: Email that sorts automatically and searches instantly

Analyse the market easily

Stream by Sedna's automatic tagging of incoming messages in a cloud-based platform removed the need to file thousands of messages a day. This made it easier to monitor market conditions and fix with confidence.

Find and act on opportunities from the inbox

Lightning-fast, reliable search ensured that even with thousands of messages to index, Ardmore had no difficulty finding what was needed across team inboxes.
Live searches surfaced messages they actually wanted to see, staying on top of critical market changes.

Better context for better collaboration

With both private and shared inboxes that have transparency and sharing tools, Stream is built flexibly to support charterers through each stage of work. For Ardmore, it meant chartering and operations teams were more effective collaborators overall, plus it became easier to get new team members up to speed.

"The transparency encourages improved the relationship between our chartering and operations team."
Ha Eun Ruppelt, Commercial Project Manager, Chartering

The Result: 2 hours saved for each empowered team member

Ardmore's charterers could focus on fixing faster because it no longer took hours to manually manage their inbox. Shared inboxes and tools made it easier to collaborate with their operations colleagues. Automatic sorting made it easier to analyse the market, find opportunities and act. People were able to do their jobs better - both individually and collectively.

Ready to reduce your email noise by up to 80%? Book a demo with our team to learn more.