
With the combined power of our revolutionary chartering solutions Stream and Pulse, charterers are enlightened by easy access to data from across systems so they never miss an opportunity and fix faster than anyone else.

Trusted by leading
Charterers globally

Analyse the market easily

Monitor market conditions and reference historical information quickly from anywhere. Conduct route, vessel and risk analysis to fix ships with confidence.

Never miss an email

Never worry about missing an email again. Automatically prioritise messages and ensure you never miss a message from your most important contacts.

Fix and collaborate faster

Transition between your work and shared spaces, collaborating with colleagues and teams across your organisation, gaining easy access to messages and context to help you fix faster.

Before Sedna

After Sedna

Slow decision-making having to manage multiple systems. Commoditised data making it difficult to find ‍an edge.

Emails and data come together in one
view so you never have to pause and
switch context.

Missing opportunities and messages from important contacts due to the chronological order of your inbox.

Prioritised inbox (Stream) and consolidated lists (Pulse) ensure the most important messages and opportunities are surfaced first.

Near-zero visibility for management on deal communication. Time consuming handover to operations.

Personal and shared inbox environments that enables private work and seamless collaboration with other teams.

Information and data is hidden in individual inboxes, third-party systems, attachments and email archives.

All of the proprietary data you've ever created across platforms is easily searchable and accessible.

Secure opportunities before the competition

“Stream reduces email for chartering managers 70 to 80% and that is just huge!”

Martin Hjelle

Head of Technology



Pulse sits on top of the email inbox, transforming its data into a single, consolidated and customisable view. It allows charterers to find deals faster than the competition and fix with confidence. By unlocking critical data, Pulse turns challenges into opportunities.