Freight Forwarding

In the fast-paced world of freight forwarding, timing is everything. Sedna gives you the edge by ensuring you're the first to see and respond to every RFQ and customer email. Our freight communications platform enables you to win more opportunities and improve customer relations.

Trusted by leading
Freight Forwarders globally

Connect and prioritise automatically

Intelligent workflows assign, route and contextualise your emails with data from your TMS. Your work is optimised at new heights, eliminating manual tasks.

Elevated customer service

By combining email with your TMS, your teams have access to insights and context that enable them to respond quickly to updates and requests, driving superior customer service.

Visibility with an audit trail

Achieve visibility across your team by working from one platform. Find past decisions and records for any shipment without needing to switch between several systems.

Reach new heights of success

Before Sedna

After Sedna

Lack of visibility on team workload and customer service quality. Valuable information hidden in individual inboxes.

Complete visibility on freight communication across the organisation, optimising time management.

Heightened risk of duplication of work. Difficulty assigning and prioritising what's most important in a flood of emails needed to execute complex shipments.

Customised, prioritised inbox views with notifications so you never miss an important email.

Processes are complex and teams work in silos, limiting transparency and teamwork.

Collaboration occurs in email so you create one sole source of truth and visibility on all the right messages.

Information and data is hidden in individual inboxes, third party systems, attachments and email archives.

All of the proprietary data you've ever created across platforms is easily searchable and accessible.



Stream is a data-driven communication platform that pushes the boundaries of global trade excellence by empowering teams and driving profitability. It lightens the manual work of managing email, connects to your other systems and presents data so teams can make better, faster decisions.