Maritime Transportation
About the client
Nova Marine's mission is to provide its customers with fast, flexible and tailor-made shipping solutions.
August 27, 2024

Nova Marine saved over an hour per person per day to focus on delivering first-class service

The Challenge: High email volume weighing down a slow system

Responsible for over 100 vessels and thousands of voyages per year, Nova Marine Carriers believes in providing excellent customer service to clients around the globe. Their commitment to speed and efficiency didn't align with their slow email system - they had 12,000 emails per day across 11 global offices. That's over 4 million emails per year.

Nova Marine operators and charterers were constantly slowed down by stalling search and frustrated by the lack of on-the-go functionality. Looking for specific quotes and documents would freeze the system entirely. Volume only continued to grow, and it was impossible to ignore.

In early 2020, Nova Marine switched to Stream by Sedna.

"For chartering and operations, I think it's at least one hour [saved] per day, probably more."
Simone Anzani, IT Manager

The Solution: High email volume weighing down a slow system

Faster action and decisions

Lightning fast search makes all conversations, attachments and critical information instantly discoverable for the whole team. Nova Marine was no longer blocked by stalled search and could make decisions faster. Even when searching across thousands of emails with specific needs it remained "blazing fast."

Context on the go

Stream by Sedna's mobile experience syncs fully with incoming emails, activity and notifications. This made it simple for Nova Marine's operators and charterers to access content whenever they needed to. They reported saving 1 hour per person each day that used to be lost to a slow email platform.

Data-driven collaboration

Stream's open API allows purpose built integrations with top solutions. Nova Marine integrated with Veson IMOS, enriching their emails with valuable context automatically. Collaboration tools like Commenting and Sharing across teams enhanced visibility and helped Nova Marine drive profitability.

"We have been adding...several thousand [messages], but the searches are still blazing fast."
Simone Anzani, IT Manager

The Result: Optimised voyages and vessels fixed with certainty

No longer operating in multiple disconnected systems, Nova Marine's operators and charterers were able to find context and deliver first class service faster than ever. With less time spent waiting for email to load, teams saved hours each day to do their most important work.

Want to learn how you can gain back time to focus on analysing voyages and increase efficiency and profitability? Book a demo today.