The importance of data privacy and security at SEDNA

In today’s fast-evolving digital landscape, where data breaches and cyberattacks grow ever more sophisticated, the need to protect your data is paramount. For industries like maritime, logistics, and supply chains - where secure communication is vital - data security is not just important; it’s fundamental to operational continuity. At Sedna, data privacy and security aren’t just priorities—they are the foundation of everything we do.

As a leading provider of communication solutions, Sedna handles vast amounts of data. Our approach is built on a core principle: trust. We understand that the trust our customers place in us must be earned and maintained, and it begins with how we handle their data.

At Sedna, we’ve taken significant steps to ensure that our platform meets the most stringent security standards. We are proudly ISO 27001 and ISO 27701 certified, two internationally recognised frameworks that govern the management of information security and privacy practices. These certifications form the foundation of our security infrastructure, assuring our customers that their data is protected in compliance with international standards like GDPR. ISO 27001 guarantees that our systems for managing information are robust, while ISO 27701 focuses specifically on the secure handling of personal data.

But we don’t stop there. We constantly strive to improve and strengthen our security posture, ensuring that our controls over data security, availability, and confidentiality evolve to meet the changing demands of the digital world.

At the core of  Sedna’s security architecture is Amazon Web Services (AWS), one of the most trusted cloud infrastructure providers globally. AWS’s advanced cloud capabilities provide critical redundancy across all of Sedna’s systems, ensuring that data remains available, even in the event of an outage or failure in a specific region. This high level of resilience guarantees that our customers can continue to rely on  Sedna’s services under any circumstances.

Moreover, SEDNA applies end-to-end control across all data transactions. We implement full encryption for data at rest and in transit, ensuring that information remains protected throughout its entire lifecycle. But encryption is only part of our strategy — wherever possible, data is transmitted through trusted networks, minimising exposure to untrusted environments and enhancing data security. We don’t just use trusted networks, we’re building one that our customers can see every day. Most Sedna customers have 10 or more counterparties that are Sedna customers themselves. Thanks to Verified by Sedna (VBS) our users have more confidence that the messages they are reading are coming from the true originator - reducing the chance of phishing.

We also deploy additional layers of network security to control how data moves within our services. This includes tight control over internal and external communications, further reducing the risk of data breaches. To support our global customers, Sedna continuously expands its capacity to host infrastructure in key regions, allowing customers to meet data privacy requirements specific to their countries, ensuring full compliance with local regulations without compromising security or performance.

At Sedna, we believe in complete customer control, we ensure that no data is ever shared anywhere without explicit customer consent. In industries where collaboration is essential, such as maritime, maintaining control over communications is critical. By upholding this principle, we protect your data from unauthorised access, while also enabling you to meet stringent data governance and compliance requirements.

When emails or data do need to be processed externally, this only occurs when the customer has explicitly agreed to it through our Data Processing Agreement (DPA). Even in those instances, we are transparent about how and where data is processed, ensuring that all interactions with external services are secure and approved by our customers.

At Sedna, your data is exactly that - your data. We do not aggregate, sell, or exploit it for commercial gain. Instead, our approach is to enhance and enrich your data, making it work harder for your organisation. With features like AI-driven tagging, automated workflows, and seamless integration into your existing tech stack, we enable you to extract greater value from your data, improving decision-making and operational efficiency - all while keeping it secure and private.

Our AI-powered tagging system, for instance, helps users quickly locate critical information, cutting through the clutter of high-volume communications. This not only improves your team’s ability to act on real-time information but also streamlines decision-making, all while keeping your data securely under your control.

At Sedna, data security is deeply integrated into every layer of our platform. From end-to-end encryption to rigorous access controls, we ensure that your data is protected throughout its entire lifecycle. This comprehensive level of protection is vital for industries like maritime, where a single breach can have far-reaching financial and reputational consequences.

By consolidating communications within a secure, centralised platform, Sedna also significantly reduces your risk by decreasing the number of emails coming in and out of  your organisation. This not only decreases the likelihood of data breaches caused by phishing or malware but also simplifies the management and security of your email traffic. The fewer emails you need to send and monitor, the fewer points of vulnerability you expose to external threats.

In a world where cyber threats are constantly evolving,  Sedna is committed to continuous improvement. Our ISO certifications and AWS infrastructure reflect this commitment, but we go beyond certifications. We actively invest in new technologies, integrate customer feedback, and continuously enhance our platform to stay ahead of emerging threats. Whether it’s refining security protocols or enhancing AI-powered workflows, we are constantly working to deliver the highest levels of data integrity and protection.

At  Sedna, we believe that trust is built on action. By adhering to ISO standards, leveraging AWS’s industry-leading infrastructure, and constantly refining our data privacy practices, we ensure that our platform remains a trusted partner for secure communication. Whether you're managing complex maritime operations or streamlining communications across global trade, you can trust Sedna to handle your data with the utmost care, keeping it secure, private, and firmly under your control.

In an age where data is more valuable than ever,  Sedna is committed to protecting that value—because your data is not just information; it’s the foundation of your business.

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