SMN Dubai

At this year’s SMN Dubai, our SVP Sales, Tom Castley, participated on a panel around how digital transformation is driving innovation and collaboration in the maritime supply chain.
Tom discussed how companies are embracing transformation of data and communication:
- Through ‘lifting the lid’ on the complex shipping data that may be hidden in inboxes, we can transform how shipping companies work to make efficiencies within their operations and improve their competitive advantage.
- Crucially, this means evolving how this data is stored, structured, and made available for instant use.
- Through getting the platform (rather than the person) to organise and process the data, platforms can automatically detect and extract key data and link this up to other systems. This means tidying up the data flow and making the process more automatic.
If you’d like to learn more around how Sedna continues to deliver digital transformation for our customers, book a demo with us today.